

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So the outback sucks. its boring and hot, and I'm alone all day. My official job title is "jill-a-roo" but I think that because it basically looks like corpus christi here, but without the redeeming aspect of the beach, I'm leaving.

Actually I already left. I think the guy who hired me is glad. He felt weird having me there. It was awkward. So I'm melbourne bound. Want to guess how I'm getting to melbs? I'm getting halfway there in a semi truck that is hauling cattle.

My driver, Nipper, is quite chatty. This is unfortunate because I have a hard time understanding a word he says. The thick aussie accent, the noise of the semi truck, the radio buzzing...plus I'm known for my great ability to completely zone out and not react until my name is spoken. It's been weird so far and we're only an hour in. My lack of chatty-ness was bothering Nipper at first, but then we drove by a few road workers that he knew and he had great fun looking at all their expressions as they realized a girl was in the truck with him. Nipper was glowing with delight and kept repeating, for the remainder of the 15 minute drive to town where we would get brekky, "They aint used to seein' me with any one much less a woman! A YOUNG woman!" At one point in the middle of nowhere he stopped the truck and grabbed a sledge hammer from the back seat. I immediately assumed he was going to hit me with it and leave my body on the side of the road. Instead he got out and knocked the dirt of the wheels of the truck.

So now I am heading to melbourne, where I have a few friends, some knowledge of my surroundings, and a job offer waiting for me. I am working at another spa doing thai massage again. Wish me luck. The way things have been going I'm going to need it.

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